Friday, July 20, 2007

Breakfast in Los Angeles

So, I'm typing this from one of those breakfast places that's so ubiquitous in Los Angeles county. You can see examples of the so-called breakfast places in Quentin Tarantino's movies - especially “Pulp Fiction” (the diner robbery scene!) and “Reservoir Dogs” (the first scene of the entire team eating breakfast before their diamond robbery). There's something about Los Angeles that invites such homely, unimpressive yet distinctive diners and corner delis and breakfast places to pop up in massive numbers all over the county. Whether if you're in San Fernando Valley or Burbank, there always shall be good breakfasts. That’s one thing Los Angeles won't fail you, ever.

Anyway, enough about breakfast places. I've been quite enjoying my summer. I originally planned to enroll in summer classes to speed up finishing off my general requirements. When I realized that I wasn't so hot on the prospect of spending nearly all of my time in District of Columbia (however as much as it's beloved to me), I decided to hightail it out of there and take transferable classes at a different university, for the sheer fun and experience of it. Also, what a great excuse to get out of the home city and be productive! I found an apartment near California State University Northridge through very strange circumstances and paid for 2 months worth of rent and boom, I'm a temporary resident of South California. How do I like my summer experience? It’s absolutely great! I love it! There’s so much that I've seen, ruminated upon, and want to share.

I've always loved to travel. Ever since my parents would let me in high school, I'd be off on road trips and such. I think that traveling is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself in your own lifetime - the chance to see new places, food, culture, and sights. However, one thing that kept on frustrating me was that every time I traveled – it never seemed enough. I wanted to truly live there, really acknowledge the culture of that land. Each different place is a complete character; a total personality just waiting for you to get to know it in its entirety. The perfect solution came to me in the form of summer school. If I could get accepted into universities of my choice and take transferable classes, then I had a golden opportunity to live in a very different place for at least two months. That’s ample time to enjoy the flavor of wherever I chose, and it also seemed like a pretty good idea that I'd get to taste a different university life (albeit in the summer). Hence - here I am. Sitting in a distinctive Los Angeles breakfast place, eating waffles and bacon along with coffee, and eager to share with you my experiences.

And so this blog shall serve the purpose of sharing with you my experiences, thoughts, and preserving my memories.